Monday, February 11, 2008

Naari-baale ani Amchi Baaylmanshyo...

Dear Friends...

Yes, hehe.. I am back wid something new... Or is it age-Old.. :p

Amchi women and their gossip/culture and soem customs they follow... Hope u liek it and do comment..

Yatra_tatra_sarvatra Naryestu poojyante....... ramante....

Listen to it urself...

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Laugh n Luv Maadi


lankythoughts said...

The Great Amchigale Laughter Champion!

Pallavi said...


Unknown said...

u r cool mam....typical GSB talks!! :-)

Aksh said...

its absolutely cool!!! ammale udgaasu ayle ashil pura randaye naav aykunu...

Unknown said...

Awesome....too good..literally I had to hit to the restroom to pee...

santhosh81 said...

humour in konkani language is abundant and it almost always on display during a conversation. the likes of ramanand churya and lokaabhiraam have taken it to another level by compiling thoughts and observations of the common konkani man's day to day activities. this colourful but honest portrayal of our own people makes me feel proud of our community and full credit to lokkabhiraam for unwittingly helping us know that extra bit about ourselves. i would liken his efforts to shaping a rough stone into a diamond and in time to come, would love to see an excellent piece of jewellery studded with many such diamonds.

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