Monday, February 11, 2008

Sports and us...:)

Hi friends,

"Talkin about us and the Games we people play :)" is this week's phardi topic.
No matter we have lost against Bangladesh, there's nothing wrong in wishing our Team good luck right.

btw, there is "Sarvajitu Naam sanvastara" starting from tomorrow. Vyaya Naama sanvastara had 3 grahans ( for the fist time ever). But we had radio idli too. So, Wish you all a very best for this new year.
Have a rocking Year Ahead. And yeah...HOO!! HAA!! India

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Ps: world cup turned out be a disaster for India,..... those who LAUGHED were lucky .. :P

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am not able to hear /play this or any of the older tracks. Why?